Natural light portrait workshop with Ginette Laforest photographer.

Natural light portrait workshop with Ginette Laforest photographer.

Natural light portrait workshop with Ginette Laforest photographer.

Ginette Laforest 2 hours September 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
$7995 You save $000
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Ginette Laforest is a self-taught professional photographer from Montreal who began her career in 1983. Through observation and an authentic approach, she captures real moments of life. An international speaker, she has been invited to share her knowledge in France, Belgium and Germany, not to mention numerous conferences and photography workshops in Quebec and Canada. She was also, on many occasions, a judge for different competitions over the years.

In this natural light portrait workshop, she will explore with you the techniques of outdoor portrait photography with minimal equipment. Learn to take advantage of the environment, decor and natural light. Establish a warm relationship andl isten to your subject.

A demonstration of lighting control and exercises to do will be on the program.How to prepare for a portrait session by making good decisions such as: the ideal time, finding and controlling the background, depth of field, framing,lenses, composition of different shots and expression naturalness of the models.

This workshop will take place outside at Parc Bernard Landry in Laval. An email giving you instructions will be sent to you a few days before the workshop. 

Pre-requisite: Knowledge of the basics in photography (ISO, aperture, shutter speed, depth of field). Knowledge of the different modes of your camera.

Once registered, this course cannot be refunded. Photo Laplante reserves the right to cancel or hand over a course, workshop or outings without notice, in which case registered persons will be notified and reimbursed.

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